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Fridge Filters

Fridge Filters

Save £££s and gain better filtration at the same time by choosing from our fridge filter range. We stock compatible fridge filters for several major brands of fridges with water dispensers built in.

Our replacement filters are equivalent and often superior to the expensive branded replacements and will significantly reduce chlorine, chemical disinfectants, organic chemicals and heavy metals and greatly improve the taste and odour from drinking water.

Samsung Compatible Fridge Filters

If your fridge is not listed below you may still be able to use our filters if your fridge is able to accept a 10″ x 2″ housing and has 1/4″ tubing connections.

We are able to provide you replacement filters for your Samsung, LG and Samsung several other fridges with water dispensers, all of a  very high quality fridge filters and at much more affordbale prices.

Our range of fridge water filters are supplied from stock with fast delivery and are fully guaranteed.

Price Range


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