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Long Life Filters

Our selected range of long life water filter systems offer superb filtration without the need for frequent filter changes, lasting even up to 5 years!

These highly effective systems remove a wide spectrum of impurities with advanced 5 or 6 stages of filtration which include bacteriostatic media to ensure no bacteria build up during the long-life of the purifier.The filter cartridges can be easily retrofitted to replace your existing filter if you are looking to upgrade to a long-life system. They also make a perfect choice for a 3-way tap.

If you are looking for a whole house filter system we have available the Osmio PRO range of whole house filter systems which offer a very long life between filter changes combined with superb levels of filtration.

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- Temporary Change

CONTACT DETAILS - Temporary Change

18th to the 25th of January

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CONTACT DETAILS - Temporary Change

12th to the18th of September

Due to staff holidays we will be unavailable for telephone calls between the above dates

To contact us by email during this period please use the following email address:

Orders are unaffected and will continue to be dispatched as per normal

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