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Pure-Pro Pocket-Size PH Water Tester



PH Water Tester PH-108 pH is a measurement of acidity and alkalinity This pH Water Tester is a great tool for when you need to test your pond or aquarium pH and is ideal for checking the acidity/alkalinity of your water supply. It is an economic piece of equipment, with high-precision, digital readout, large LCD … Continu... More description
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PH Water Tester PH-108

pH is a measurement of acidity and alkalinity

pH scale

This pH Water Tester is a great tool for when you need to test your pond or aquarium pH and is ideal for checking the acidity/alkalinity of your water supply.

It is an economic piece of equipment, with high-precision, digital readout, large LCD screen and a waterproof design.

It is very fast and provides a very accurate meter reading. You will never have to guess which colour the pH strips are closest to! It is fast and simple to use, just dip it in the pond, aquarium or swimming pool and read the reading on the digital display in just a few seconds.

The PH Water Tester comes in a sturdy clear plastic case with calibration screwdriver and users guide included. It is an economical pH meter employing a high-precision, digital readout, large LCD screen and a waterproof design.

The PH Water Tester is an extremely handy piece of kit for when you need to test your pond or aquarium pH

It provides a very fast and very accurate meter reading. You will never have to guess which colour the pH strips are closest to! Very simple to use, just dip it in the pond, aquarium or swimming pool and read the reading on the digital display in just a few seconds.

The PH Water Tester comes in a sturdy clear plastic case with calibration screwdriver and users guide included.


Model PH-108
Brand Pure-Pro
Filter Parameter No
In Depth Specification

Range: 0.0 to 14.0 pH

Resolution: 0.1 pH

Accuracy: 0.1pH

Calibration; Manual, 1 point

Temperature, Compensation Automatic: 0 to 50C (32 to 122F)

Environment: 0 to 50C (32 to 122F); RH 95% max

Batteries Type: 4 x 1.5V alkaline

Batteries Life: approx. 150 hours of use

Dimensions: 152x30x21 mm (5.9×1.2×0.8″)

Weight: 50g


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