Now we are available on

  • Google Play Store
  • Free & Fast Next Day Courier Delivery
    Free & Fast Next Day Courier Delivery
  • Full two years warranty
    Full two years warranty
  • <strong>90 Days</strong> money back guarantee
    90 Days money back guarantee

Welcome to Puriflow Filters - Quality Water Filters Online

At Puriflow it is our commited belief that clean, safe health giving water should be available to all. We have made it our purpose to source and present to you the best and most cost effective water filters in the UK, combining both quality and value for money. Use our handy 'Choosing A Water Filter' guide & the comparison charts to help you find your ideal water filter. If you are still unsure or need assistance please do contact us on the chat form below or by phone - we're here to help!

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Puriflow now available on Google Play Store


- Temporary Change

CONTACT DETAILS - Temporary Change

18th to the 25th of January

We will be unavailable for telephone calls between the above dates

To contact us by email during this period please use the following email address:

Orders are unaffected and will continue to be dispatched as per normal

Thank you


CONTACT DETAILS - Temporary Change

23rd to the30th of July

Due to staff holidays we will be unavailable for telephone calls between the above dates

To contact us by email during this period please use the following email address:

Orders are unaffected and will continue to be dispatched as per normal

Thank you